Most of you should have seen in the news the climate struggles in Spain’s east coast this last January. This storm commonly called ‘Gloria’ has left scenes of devastation, heavy rains with gusting winds and pounding waves. It was indeed one of the worst storms ever and considered from experts a sign of the innevitable climate change. It destroyed seafront promenades, flooded roads, brought down bridges, walls, entire buildings…. and toppled trees filling up beaches and river shores. 

A few days after the desaster our team went to the nearest beaches and discovered the most incredible scene: huge mountains of bamboo sticks tangled on plastic bags and wet towels, full trees teared from the route, tons of branches from all sort of different trees and some dead animals. 

As soon as we saw these amazing trees, we recognized they had incredible stories to tell and shout to everyone; stories of their lives and the storm that surprised them one random day, sories about the climate change and about our future as living things… 

From this point on we decided to give them a voice through the design of functional art pieces, repurpose wood furniture and sculpture lamps through a new collection called CLIMATE CHANGE.

With this mailing we want to make a CALL TO DESIGNERS, ARCHITECTS AND INTERIORISTS to give these beautiful pieces of wood an opportunity to be part of their trascendent design projects. We are currently making a data base of DRIFTWOOD and DESIGN CREATIONS for you to take into account. Dont hesitate to contact us, if you are interested in hosting our driftwood and creations (

Here some of our lamps and furniture made with driftwood collected in other campaigns. 

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